You have about a 1 in 77 chance of dying in a car accident. While those odds aren’t terrible, you can survive a car accident and still see your life changed. In a few seconds, a crash can shake up everything you thought you knew about yourself. It can alter your worldview and affect your mental health. If you get hurt, it could take months or years to recover. Getting healthy again after a car accident can be tough enough, but gaining your confidence back can feel almost impossible. Here are three steps that will help you recover your confidence after a car wreck.
Talk to a lawyer
You’ve seen the numerous ads for personal injury and car accident lawyers, but you’ve never really thought you would need one. There are a lot of misconceptions about what, exactly, car accident lawyers do, and that keeps some people from speaking to a lawyer. They just assume that no good will come from it. They also believe that lawyers are too expensive, and they already have enough medical bills to worry about.
Affording a lawyer is a big issue for many people in the United States. However, if you get injured in the Nashville area, a Nashville car accident lawyer is going to operate a bit differently from a Nashville criminal defense lawyer. The former will typically work on contingency, which means the lawyer won’t get paid until you either win your case in a jury trial or, more likely, get a settlement before trial.
If you still aren’t sure, look for a car accident lawyer who offers free consultations. Many people don’t realize these exist, because they think all lawyers start billing you the moment you walk through the door. But a free initial consultation gives you 30 minutes or so to tell your story. If you can make a case for neglect or recklessness on the part of any other drivers who were involved, then the lawyer may agree to represent you on contingency. Even if you don’t walk out with a client-lawyer agreement, you’ll feel better just by telling your story to someone.
Get therapy
But while telling your story to a lawyer is a good start, a lawyer is not the same thing as a therapist. Some of them are certainly good listeners, but their training is in the legal field rather than the mental health field. To truly empower yourself and get your confidence back after a car accident, you must speak to a trained mental health professional.
After an accident, it’s common to get stuck on the circumstances surrounding it. You may think that you could have prevented it if you had just done something a little differently. Even if the police report says you’re not at fault, it can be hard to feel like that’s true. A therapist can get you to work through those feelings in a safe environment. Talk therapy can also do things like reduce back pain and increase your quality of sleep.
Try non-invasive treatments
After a car accident, you may need a variety of invasive treatments such as surgeries. Those are essential and life-saving. But if you’re still feeling some pain even after a doctor has cleared you medically, it’s time to research non-invasive treatments.
Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy is one non-invasive treatment that can do everything from reduce inflammation to increase mobility. Chances are you know at least a couple of people who have tried it, so talk to them about their experiences while you look up pulsed electromagnetic field therapy devices for sale. The name may be intimidating, but it’s an easy device to operate. It’s not for everyone, of course, but it could help you feel more comfortable and confident as you continue your recovery from a car accident.