7 Tips for Breaking Up With Your Old Car Insurer

Did you know that there are roughly 1.2 Billion drivers around the world? That’s a lot of people, which means that there are many car insurance companies around to insure those drivers. If you’re considering breaking up with your auto policy then we have good news for you. There are plenty more fish in the sea, and with these seven tips, you’re sure to find your perfect match in no time.

1. Look over the policy you already have.

With the many different kinds of auto insurance policies out there, it’s best to take a look at the insurance policy you already have before you start looking for other coverage options. As is the case with most breakups, both you and your car insurance have probably changed over the years. It’s best to make sure that any additional costs that may have been added on to your auto insurance coverage are actually worth paying for.

After looking over their car insurance rates, many drivers often find that their collision coverage is far too expensive while also not giving them the coverage they need. It makes no sense to overpay for unnecessary coverage and still find yourself lacking if an automobile accident ever should occur. Compare car insurance with iSelect to find a company with automotive service excellence that is right for you.

2. Find the perfect policy for you.

Car insurance companies can do a lot more than simply protecting you in a car accident. In fact, they often partner with different companies with years of work experience to offer you certain benefits as an incentive to get you to join their policy. Look over these benefits as you are shopping around for an auto insurance quote. If you are splitting hairs deciding between two car insurance quotes then a benefit might be the dealbreaker you’re looking for.

One way to keep your insurance and maintenance costs at bay in the first place is to regularly keep up with your car’s maintenance. Many people make the mistake of only going into the shop when something has gone horribly wrong. To avert that habit (and the high bill that comes with it), you can regularly work with technicians that keep up with automotive and diesel certifications—or even look into getting them yourself—to keep your car in top shape year-round. Being in touch with the state of your car will save you big headaches in the long-run when larger problems arise.

3. Try to negotiate a better deal.

Many car insurance companies offer a free car insurance quote. You can use this quote as a valuable bargaining chip when negotiating a better deal with the company is ensuring you now. If simply lowering your monthly bill is your biggest issue, then you have a fighting chance when you can show them you have a quote from a competitor offering a lower rate.

Remember those benefits we talked about earlier as well? While you’re negotiating prices you might as well ask about any benefits the company may want to give you in order to keep you from leaving. If at the end of the negotiation you still find your old companies terms displeasing to you, then you can leave break up with them knowing that you did the best you could, but you’re headed toward bigger and better things.

4. Weigh the pros and cons.

Now that you have all your ducks in order, it’s time to weigh the pros and cons before switching. The best way to do this is to ask yourself a series of questions about your coverage. Do any of the new policies you are looking at offer comprehensive coverage? How do they handle automotive repair: in-house or through partnered companies? Will their medical coverage pay for all of your medical bills?

Remember, a cheaper policy does not always mean a better policy. If you are saving a few bucks every month but putting yourself at risk by cutting back your medical coverage or liability coverage, then you might want to reconsider.

5. Make sure that there isn’t a lapse in coverage.

This is an important step, but don’t worry, it’s simple to do. Just make sure that you schedule your new policy to begin the day after your coverage ends with the company you’re breaking up with. This small step will save you a huge headache later on down the road so make sure you take the two seconds to double-check. You can also bring this up to your new insurance agent who should help you every step of the way.

6. Get a new policy.

Most insurance companies do their best to make this step as easy and pain-free as possible in order to entice new policyholders. Now that you’ve done the prep work beforehand you can begin the process of starting your new policy. You can do this online and it shouldn’t take you longer than a few hours.

7. Drive safe!

Congratulations! You’ve left your toxic old car insurer and are now on a much more financially healthy path, one where you feel safe and protected on the road, and can rest assured that you are getting the best possible deals.