Ship Used Cars Fast: Prepare your Car for Shipping

Moving from one place to another can open up a very long transition period that can put your decision making to the test. And while nobody can predict or knows what exactly will happen during the preparations or on the day of the move, one thing is obvious whenever there is a house move – there will be a lot of decisions to be made when you are making a cross-country move. 

Without a doubt, one of the choices you will make will be how you will reach your destination or your new home. And in case you decided that you will fly to your new location instead of having a very long road trip with your family in your car, the big question is, “How will you prepare your vehicle for shipping?” You need answers, and you need it fast. Listed below are some transporting checklist that will teach you what you need to do to prepare your vehicle for shipping. 

To know more about this topic, check out companies like Shipcar24 and other automobile shipping firms for more information.

Things you need to know before shipping your car domestically

Your decision to have your auto shipped to your new how should be made after you weigh every option you have. All in all, you need to choose between two relocation options and pick the one that works best for you. 

Scenario #1: You drive your vehicle to your new location

It is a prevalent relocation scenario where you rent a moving van, put all your valuable things inside it and have the moving company drive it to your new home. After the movers left, you load your vehicle with your necessary items like relevant documents, clothes and other first-day essentials and have a long road trip to your new home.

Scenario #2: You fly to your new location while the car is being shipped

Another standard moving scenario is to hire the services of a known and reputable moving company to transport your vehicle to another state while you take advantage of the fastest mode of transportation and catch a plane to your new destination to save valuable time. 

After you wave your movers goodbye, you take the necessary steps to prepare your vehicle for shipping. After that, you take your bags containing your valuable and essential items and head to the nearest airport, sit down on your seat, buckle your safety belt and find out what life is waiting for you on your new location.

Relocation scenario #1 v s #2

It should not come as a big surprise that both scenarios mentioned have their advantages and disadvantages. That is why the decision to choose one over the other needs an informed one. The decision should be made after taking into consideration all the positive and negative of every case. 

Whether you realize them or not, taking a road trip with your family in your vehicle has a lot of advantages that can tip in your favor. First and foremost, taking a road trip with your family is cheaper than booking a flight across the country, although that’s not always the case. 

Secondly, driving a cross-country trip gives a unique opportunity to visit amazing places and visit local attractions and historical sites, which you would not usually get the chance to experience and see. And lastly, a long road trip like that can end up bringing your family closer than ever before. 

It can be an excellent way to bond with your family. But if you have no time to spare or if your new home is located on the other side of the country, your best option is to book a flight and arrive at your new destination in a couple of hours. 

Precious time will be saved when you decide to fly to your new location, but aside from paying for your and your family’s plane ticket, you will also need to spend more money to cover the transportation cost of your vehicle. As we all know, convenience has a price tag, and usually, it is a lot more expensive.

Car shipping checklist – how to prepare your vehicle for a cross-country shipping

If you decided that flying to your new location is a better option after checking your moving money and your calendar, then you need to familiarize yourself with all the steps to prepare your vehicle for transporting. Knowing the steps that you need to take to prepare your vehicle for shipping will give you an advantage in securing your car during transit. Take advantage of the detailed step-by-step transporting checklist to be ready when your moving company shows to load your vehicle into their cargo truck.

For a more thorough explanation on how to ship a car, check out

Step #1 – Before you start preparing your automobile for shipping, you need to look for a reliable and experienced car transport firm. To do this, you need to do your due diligence in researching every firm near you and read some moving reviews. Check out past customer’s testimonials and their experience hiring these shipping companies. You also need to check the quality of their service and whether they fit your budget.

Step #2 – Once you have decided the company you are planning to hire, make sure that you make a request for a shipping estimate and find out how much it will cost to ship your vehicle fast and safe. Compare their prices to other companies before deciding who to hire.

Step #3 – If you finished deciding who to hire, it is time to make sure that your automobile is ready for transport

Step #4 – Make sure to wash your automobile, including the exterior. If you have time, you can include the interior of the vehicle, but it makes a lot of sense to leave this task after your car is transported to your new home.

Step #5 – Check your automobile from top to bottom. Make a list of any damages it suffered before the shipping company load it to the container van. Check for any scratches, dents, paint chips, rust and any major and minor defects. If you find one, make sure to take a close-up picture for documentation. Do not forget to turn on the date imprint function of your camera for the date stamp.

Step #6 – Carefully check all the paperwork, the date it was loaded, the date of arrival, the destination, as well as the fees that you will be paying. Make sure that the automobile model, color, the registration plate, chassis number and all the vital information about your vehicle is printed on the document.

Transporting your car within the United States can be very easy from start to finish if you know the steps you need to take to prepare your vehicle for shipping. If you do this right, not only you will save a lot of money and time, you will save yourself a lot of problems and headaches.

How to select the best drawer slides for your trailer

Organising your trailer to maximise the efficient use of space usually involves building some sort of storage system, augmented by drawer slides for ease of use. With different types of slides on the market, it can be difficult to decide which ones are best for your project. If you are considering adding storage to your trailer this year, here is a short overview of the basics you need to know.

Do you want centre-mounted, side-mounted or under-mounted drawer slides?

These slides come in three different types of handy mountings; which one you select depends on how you want to mount the drawers. A centre-mount slide is installed underneath the drawer and along its centre line. Options include classic wood or a ball bearing mechanism, but you need to have enough clearance underneath the drawers to install these slides. They are sold as single units, so if you have three drawers for example, you need three centre-mount drawer slides.

Side-mounted slides attach to each side of the drawer, and are available in either a roller or a ball bearing mechanism. They are sold in pairs and require at least a 1.27 cm gap between the edge of the slide and the side of the cabinet. On the other hand, under-mounted slides are installed underneath the drawer, but along each side, so they are sold in pairs as well, but are only available with a ball bearing mechanism. They also need less clearance than the side-mounted slides, generally 0.6 cm or less.

If you don’t want your drawer slides to show when the draws are open, your best options are the centre mounted or the under-mounted slides.

Length, extension and weight loads of drawer slides

Whilst slides are available in almost any lengths (necessary for custom applications), generally they range from 25 to 71 cm. For under-mount slides, you need to measure the length of the draw, because the slides must exactly match this length to work correctly. For centre and side-mounted drawer slides, you need to measure from the front edge of the cabinet to the inside of the cabinet’s back and then subtract 2.5 cm.

The next step is to decide whether you want a ¾, full or over extension. The ¾ extension is ideal for small spaces where it’s not possible to open the drawer completely, the full extension opens the door to the full extension of the slides, and the over extension allows the drawer to open beyond the full extension.

Weight loads of drawer slides are generally 34, 45 or 68 kilos, although some can go up to 100 kilos and you will find some that have lower ratings as well. If you want to store generators, ice chests, tool boxes and other heavy equipment, the weight rating is an important factor and needs to be considered when making your selection. Last, you can opt for different opening and closing mechanisms, such as push to open, self closing or even soft closing drawer slides.

3 Tips for Regaining Your Confidence After a Car Accident

You have about a 1 in 77 chance of dying in a car accident. While those odds aren’t terrible, you can survive a car accident and still see your life changed. In a few seconds, a crash can shake up everything you thought you knew about yourself. It can alter your worldview and affect your mental health. If you get hurt, it could take months or years to recover. Getting healthy again after a car accident can be tough enough, but gaining your confidence back can feel almost impossible. Here are three steps that will help you recover your confidence after a car wreck. 

Talk to a lawyer

You’ve seen the numerous ads for personal injury and car accident lawyers, but you’ve never really thought you would need one. There are a lot of misconceptions about what, exactly, car accident lawyers do, and that keeps some people from speaking to a lawyer. They just assume that no good will come from it. They also believe that lawyers are too expensive, and they already have enough medical bills to worry about.

Affording a lawyer is a big issue for many people in the United States. However, if you get injured in the Nashville area, a Nashville car accident lawyer is going to operate a bit differently from a Nashville criminal defense lawyer. The former will typically work on contingency, which means the lawyer won’t get paid until you either win your case in a jury trial or, more likely, get a settlement before trial. 

If you still aren’t sure, look for a car accident lawyer who offers free consultations. Many people don’t realize these exist, because they think all lawyers start billing you the moment you walk through the door. But a free initial consultation gives you 30 minutes or so to tell your story. If you can make a case for neglect or recklessness on the part of any other drivers who were involved, then the lawyer may agree to represent you on contingency. Even if you don’t walk out with a client-lawyer agreement, you’ll feel better just by telling your story to someone. 

Get therapy

But while telling your story to a lawyer is a good start, a lawyer is not the same thing as a therapist. Some of them are certainly good listeners, but their training is in the legal field rather than the mental health field. To truly empower yourself and get your confidence back after a car accident, you must speak to a trained mental health professional. 

After an accident, it’s common to get stuck on the circumstances surrounding it. You may think that you could have prevented it if you had just done something a little differently. Even if the police report says you’re not at fault, it can be hard to feel like that’s true. A therapist can get you to work through those feelings in a safe environment. Talk therapy can also do things like reduce back pain and increase your quality of sleep. 

Try non-invasive treatments

After a car accident, you may need a variety of invasive treatments such as surgeries. Those are essential and life-saving. But if you’re still feeling some pain even after a doctor has cleared you medically, it’s time to research non-invasive treatments. 
Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy is one non-invasive treatment that can do everything from reduce inflammation to increase mobility. Chances are you know at least a couple of people who have tried it, so talk to them about their experiences while you look up pulsed electromagnetic field therapy devices for sale. The name may be intimidating, but it’s an easy device to operate. It’s not for everyone, of course, but it could help you feel more comfortable and confident as you continue your recovery from a car accident.

What Are the Best Riding Gloves?

Let’s get real. We don’t often think about how vital our hands are on a day-to-day basis … until we hurt ourselves and can no longer function as usual. I mean, a mere cut can wreak havoc on a routine. It’s even worse if we end up with horrific road rash on our hands from a motorcycle crash.

In most states, the only equipment required to wear while riding a motorcycle is a helmet, even though, according to John Hopkins Medicine, one of the top three reasons most sports injuries occur is because of “inappropriate or lack of equipment.” While a helmet is the most important equipment to wear, “equipment” isn’t limited to a helmet.

Gloves are often forgotten (especially in nicer weather) because we usually only think of gloves in terms of keeping our hands warm. But keeping our hands well-protected is also extremely important.

According to Kinney, Fernandez & Boire Law, road rash is on the list of the top five most common motorcycle injuries, and it can lead to infection and nerve damage. Nerve damage in the hands could potentially affect our ability to ever ride again (if we can’t work our controls, we can’t ride).

So it’s always best to have a good pair of riding gloves ideal for the type of riding we plan on doing. Check out some considerations for picking the best motorcycle gloves for our riding needs:

Palm protection

Remember falling off our bikes as kids and instinctively catching ourselves by putting our hands out in front of our falling little bodies? Now, imagine that, but at much higher speeds with a full-grown body falling towards the asphalt. This is where that road rash can really wreck our day and, frankly, completely destroy our hands if we’re not careful. Look for gloves that are double-layered in the palms to prevent damage to one of the first parts of our bodies to hit the ground when we try to catch ourselves in a fall.

Full fingers

Sure, fingerless gloves may look cool, but …that’s about it. They’re basically useless for anything else. According to the Motorcycle Safety Foundation, full-fingered gloves “protect hands from blisters, wind, sun, and cold, and will help prevent cuts, scrapes and abrasions in a crash.” We often don’t realize how vital sensations in our fingertips are until we can no longer feel them (don’t risk it).

Knuckle armor

Knuckle armor helps keep our hands elevated so there’s less impact in case of a wreck. According to First Check Point, knuckle armor provides impact protection for the whole hand. Plus, I bet it’s really horrible to break our knuckles (ouch!).


This one seems like a big “duh,” right? And, yet not enough people are wearing riding gloves even though it seems so obvious. The best motorcycle gloves will not only help with our grip on the bike, but it also prevents blisters and any abrasions from debris. Gloves should fit snugly while still providing enough movement for supreme grip and control.  

Wrist protection

According to First Check Point, “Hand and wrist injuries often require complex surgical procedures to repair.” Therefore, it’s best to get gloves that are designed to help protect our wrists from this type of damage.

Protection from the elements

When our hands go numb from the freezing air (or, mere wind chill), it can be hard to maintain a steady grip. That’s why ensuring we get a pair of riding gloves specifically designed to keep our hands optimally warm and dry is key. In the summer, it’s important to have a pair with ventilation for more comfort and to protect our grip when we inevitably sweat. For the winter months, they now make heated gloves for a supremely comfortable ride. Plus, the insulation provides further protection while keeping us warm.

How Important Are Motorcycle Boots?

As the number of motorcycle riders continues to increase in the United States, the demographics of motorcycle riders continue to change. Compared to the past, more women report being motorcycle riders. Additionally, the number of motorcyclists who have graduated college has increased, as well as the number of motorcyclists who report being married. The median age of motorcyclists has increased as well. While the demographics of motorcyclists may be changing, one thing that remains the same is the need for protective gear.

A motorcycle is a mode of transportation that is popular and enjoyable, but lacks the covering provided by cars and trucks. Just as motorcyclists can do certain things like remove their keys from the ignition or add an alarm to their motorcycle to keep it safe, they can invest in protective motorcycle gear to keep themselves safe while riding. Motorcyclists are exposed to environmental conditions, so how they dress when riding is important. This is why motorcyclists purchase helmets, jackets, gloves, and boots. Wearing motorcycle boots is more advantageous than just wearing any ole pair of boots.

Motorcycle boots are to a motorcyclist when riding what cleats are to an athlete when playing soccer, football, or any sport: they are important because they are footwear designed specifically for that activity. Motorcycle boots are designed and made in ways that make them stylish and fashionable, but their most important function is to be protective and comfortable. They are made to protect a motorcyclist’s feet in a way other types of footwear cannot, especially in the event of falling or crashing. Motorcyclists should go to a top motorcycle retailer, such as Chaparral Motorsports, for reliable, durable, high-quality motorcycle boots.

Motorcycle Boots Are Protective

A motorcyclist needs to maximize how protected they are from their head down to their feet while enjoying their motorcycle ride. In essence, wearing a high-quality pair of motorcycle boots is just as important as wearing a helmet.

While car drivers can get away with driving in sandals, sneakers, or stilettos, all of these choices of footwear would be hazardous when riding a motorcycle. Motorcyclists tend to put one or both feet down on the ground when they reach a stop, in order to keep themselves stable. Wearing shoes that can easily slip on the road would hardly grant a motorcyclist stability.

Motorcycle boots are capable of withstanding conditions that other types of footwear cannot handle properly. They are able to protect a motorcyclist’s ankles and feet in the unfortunate event of falling off the motorcycle or crashing into something. Additionally, boots made specifically for motorcycle riding can prevent exhaust burns.

Motorcycle Boots Provide Comfort

Motorcycle boots not only provide protection to motorcyclists, but they also provide comfort in any and all kinds of weather conditions. They can keep a motorcyclist’s feet warm in cold weather, and keep them dry in rainy weather. High-quality, durable motorcycle boots are made to provide comfort to a motorcyclist’s feet for the duration of the ride, whether short or long. Distracted driving is a dangerous, potentially fatal behavior typically attributed to and engaged in by car drivers, however, motorcyclists can be guilty of riding while distracted, too. A motorcyclist can easily become distracted if their mind is flooded with thoughts about how much their feet hurt and how uncomfortable they are, or if they make attempts to adjust their shoes while riding. Wearing a pair of comfortable pair of motorcycle boots eliminates this hazardous distraction.When choosing a pair of motorcycle boots, it is important for motorcyclists to ensure that the boots fit and are the right size. Motorcyclists should also consider the height and material of the boots they get, to maximize protection and comfort. Are tall boots the better than short boots? Should the boots be made of leather? Motorcycle experts can assist a motorcyclist in choosing a pair of motorcycle boots that is just right for them and the environmental conditions in which they ride.

Get Car Finance Here Article

Car Finance You Can Rely On
Getting car finance shouldn’t be as tricky as it is. Many people find that when they go to a car finance company, they have to jump through a variety of hoops. It’s unpleasant, time-consuming and demoralising. 

Get Car Finance Here, however, is trying to alter the current status quo. Instead of offering customers a sluggish experience, full of form-filling, the company wants to change how car finance is done and make the whole thing much more customer-friendly. 

Finance for Customers with Poor Credit Histories

So, what exactly is Get Car Finance Here doing that other companies aren’t? Perhaps the most prominent standout feature is the fact that the firm provides loans to people who’ve been refused credit for cars before. 

The problem with many existing firms in the car finance market is that they make decisions on the creditworthiness of customers just like the traditional banks do. They look at their credit history, total up the points, and then use that to make a decision, assuming that it applies to the customer today. Get Car Finance Here takes a different approach. Instead of taking credit histories on face value, it investigates each customer’s situation and makes a judgement on their ability to pay today, not based on what might have happened in the past. 

What’s so interesting about this approach is how customers get a tailored experience. Get Car Finance Here doesn’t assume that a customer can afford certain monthly payments. Instead, they get car loans that actually make sense for their current financial position. 

Large Selection of Deals

The company also makes a point of offering customers a large selection of deals from which to choose. Some customers want their monthly car repayments to be as low as possible while others want to pay more upfront and cut their interest costs. Again, Get Car Finance Here provides this kind of flexibility, fitting different customer financial situations. 

Okay, but what about the time that it takes to get a quote? Won’t customers have to jump through a bunch of hoops or fill out forms? Get Car Finance Here excels here too. The company links customers with advisors who can show them a variety of finance options from different providers. There’s no compulsion to go with any specific loan product. Customers can pick and choose a loan that makes sense for them. 

Finance Deals on New and Used Cars

While not every car finance company offers loans on new and used vehicles, Get Car Finance Here does. The idea is to make it possible for customers to buy any car that they want, whether it’s fresh out of the factory or has one hundred thousand miles on the clock.Finding a car finance service that you can rely on can be a challenge in today’s marketplace, but Get Car Finance Here is changing the nature of the game. With its online application form, it makes it easy for customers to find out what kind of credit they can get and from whom. It also tailors financing options depending on customer financial situations and credit histories – the cutting edge in the industry.

Top 4 Cars Suitable For Travel Lovers

Travelling by car is interesting and more fun as you get to look at the marvellous views while also getting to enjoy the fresh air. Many places like ruins, mountains and museums are located far from the road where public transport takes so it’s good to take your car with you to visit such places. In addition, the car let you take everything that you might need on your trip. But not all vehiclesare suitable for such travel. You will also need to explore your car options if you need to travel peacefully and uninterruptedly. Here are our top four picks that will allow you to have the best trips of your life:

  1. Mahindra XUV300, perfect tour car – Mahindra XUV300 has impressed many riders because of its exciting drive nature. The powerful engine that comes with the SUV enhances the driving experience. XUV300 is the first subcompact SUV by Mahindra as the other models like Quanto, TUV300, and Nuvosport were bulky.

To make your journey comfortable SUV has a roomy cabin which has comfortable and supportive seats. The car has a lot of storage capacity, and the raised boot floor is a nice addition. The seven-inch touch screen adds beauty to its interior. The SUV comes with sunroof, a rearview camera, auto headlamps, and dual-zone climate control.

  • Hyundai Creta – Hyundai Creta has caught the attention of many Indian buyers. The SUV comes with 1.4 L diesel and 1.6 L petrol and diesel engine with both automatic and manual transmission. The front of the car has LED DRLs, which is surrounded by fog lamps. The ‘C’ shape of the lights looks really good. The 17-inch alloy wheels are good to cover rough terrain, and the ‘diamond cut’ alloys look clean and attractive.

For a long journey, Creta has good space, but the rear occupants cannot get the good view out as there is low seating and high window line. The infotainment unit is user-friendly and makes the trip enjoyable.

  • Ford EcoSport – EcoSport from Ford comes with 1.5 L, four-cylinder diesel engine which has five-speed manual transmissions. Driving SUV is a highly relaxing experience which is why it is very suitable for long drives. EcoSport is fuel-efficient, and it claims to have 12% lower CO2 emissions. The car cabin is spacious and has adequate boot space. It’s a perfect ride for all those long drives that you are craving for.
  • Maruti Suzuki VitaraBrezza – With striking looks and awesome performance VitaraBrezza can be best for long tours. The detailed chrome grille and two headlamps beautify its exterior. The front seats are comfortable and allow overall support making the drive comfortable. The rear seats are also very spacious and offer good legroom allowing the passenger to have a convenient journey.

There is no denying that travelling is fun, and a good ride can enhance your experience. Above given four SUVs will make your travel experience unique and amazing.

A quick glance at KIA Seltos variant wise features

The latest entrant in the compact SUV segment, Kia Seltos has ridden in with dynamic styling, a plethora of appealing features and an extensive range of engine options and configurations; making it the highly-awaited, among new Kia cars to be launched in India. Furthermore, the Seltos will be available in two decorative trim options: Tech Line and GT Line.

Let us dive straightaway into the variant details including key features and engine options for each variant. Audi A4 Car Leasing

Kia SeltosHTE


·    1.5L Petrol (MT)

·    1.5L Diesel (MT)

Key Features:

·    ·          R16 Steel Wheels

·    Shark Fin Antenna

·    Rear Spoiler

·    Adjustable Steering

·    Steering-mounted Controls

·    ABS with EBD

·    3.8-inch touchscreen with Android / Apple CarPlay

·    UVO Lite Connected Car Package

·    Disc Brakes (Front + Rear)

·    Dual Airbags

·    Brake Assist

·    Rear Parking Sensors

·    Power Windows (all)

·          Front Armrest with Storage

Kia SeltosHTK


·    1.5L Petrol (MT)

·    1.5L Diesel (MT)

Key Features (in addition to HTE):

·    ·          8-inch Touchscreen Infotainment System with Android Auto / Apple CarPlay

·    Roof Rails

·    Voice Recognition

Kia SeltosHTK+


·    1.5L Petrol (MT)

·    1.5L Diesel (MT)

·    1.5L Diesel (AT)

Key Features (in addition to HTK):

·    ·          LED DRLs

·    16-inch Alloy Wheels

·    LED Sound Mood Lighting

·    Front Seat Height Adjustment

·    Cruise Control

·    Smart-Key (with push button)

·    Electrical Folding Mirrors

·    Rear Sun Shades

Kia SeltosHTX


·    1.5L Petrol (MT)

·    1.5L Petrol (CVT)

·    1.5L Diesel (MT)

Key Features (in addition to HTK+):

·    ·          10.25-inch Touchscreen

·    Chrome Knurling on Grille

·    LED Lightbar

·    LED Headlamps and Fog Lamps

·    17-inch Alloy Wheels

·    Ambient Lighting

·    Adjustable Steering Column (tilt and telescopic)

·    UVO Connected Car Features

·    Auto Climate Control

·    Auto Headlamps

·    Tyre Pressure Monitor

Kia SeltosHTX+


·    1.5L Diesel (MT)

·    1.5L Diesel (AT)

Key Features (in addition to HTX):

·    ·          Electric Sunroof

·    Front Parking Sensors

·    UV-cut Glass

·    7-inch Colour MID

·    Bose Audio System

·    Wireless Phone Charger

·    Ventilated Seats (Front)

Kia SeltosGTK


·    1.4L Turbo Petrol (MT)

Key Features:

·    ·          ABS with EBD

·    R17 Crystal-cut Alloys

·    Crown Jewel LED Headlamps

·    Telescopic Steering Wheel

·    8.0-inch Touchscreen Infotainment System with ARKAMYS, Android Auto, Apple CarPlay used hyundai i30

·    Rear-view Camera with Guidance

·    Smart Key (with push button)

·    Cruise Control

Kia SeltosGTX


·    1.4L Turbo Petrol (MT)

·    1.4L Turbo Petrol (DCT)

Key Features (in addition to GTK):

·    ·          Ambient Lighting

·    UV-cut Glass

·    10.25-inch Touchscreen

·    UVO Connected Car Suite

·    Wireless Charger

·    Six Airbags

·    HUD

·    Hill Assist

·    ECS

·    3 Drive Modes

·    3 Off-road Drive Modes

Kia SeltosGTX+


·    1.4L Turbo Petrol (MT)

Key Features (in addition to GTX; except drive and off-road modes):

·    ·          Bose Audio System (Premium)

·    360-degree Camera

·    Rear View Monitor

·    Ventilated Seats (Front)

·    Electric Sunroof

With a galore of variants spread over three engine options, four transmissions, 13 colours and 2 trim lines; KIA Seltos is one of the most anticipated Kia carsto be available in the Indian automobile market. It is expected that Kia Seltos price in India will be within the range of INR 10 lakhs to INR 16 lakhs. We are sure Kia will set a benchmark with Seltos in the compact SUV segment; thereby, making it a must-have family SUV for Indian buyers.


Protective clothing is an essential component of the armed forces. They need to adorn themselves with all possible armors. The list Includes weapons and personal protective equipment. Out of the whole list, stab-proof vest deserves special mention. It is generally worn over the uniform or any customized clothing it functions as a shield to resist the attack to chest band back. Right from the name, it is evident that it serves protection against knives, needle or slashes. However, the stab vest differs from the bulletproof jacket. To some extent, depending on the calibration of the bullet protection is prevailed by a stab vest. It is mostly used to protect against firearms.


Stab vest is generally legalized when used with the permits of police in charge. However, if working in any secret mission, wearing under your clothing works as the best defense. The police administration needs to be understandable with the use. Wearing stab-proof underneath the clothing increase defense level up against spikes or stab attacks. It functions on its ground without coming in the vision of opponents.


Various tests prove the efficiency of the stab vest. The resistance power of the jacket from sharp objects is proved. It is efficient in wearing against stabbing attacks of knives or broken bottle. The highlights of the jacket are it allows penetration of the object to a safe distance so that it does not puncture any body parts. It is made up of a typical material called Kevlar.


Kevlar, characterized by light weighted polyacrylamide plastic fabric. The plastic content provides excellent flexibility to it by increasing the tensile strength. The single unit of the Kevlar looks highly coiled. The onset of polymerization leads to massive tangling of the Kevlar monomers creating resistance in stretching. The stab vest slightly differs in the mechanism from the bulletproof jacket. The later comprise of the usage of the same material but works in a more précised manner.

 When a bullet penetrates the bulletproof jacket, it works against the layers of the fabric. However, the tensile strength of the material works as opposed to the ball, thereby resisting further penetration. The Kevlar fibers absorb most of the energy of the bullet, thus protecting the subject from getting shot.

The stab vest is a significant creation of scientist in the defense field. They are generally comprised of steel mesh, unlike chainmail. It increases the difficulty level of the penetration game of knife. However, stab vest does not play a fair game in case of a bullet. Decreased calibration of the shell provides the advantage of gushing inside the jacket, ultimately inside the flesh of the subject. The stab jackets are designs to provide protection specifically against knives or ant pricky stabbing materials. The local police widely use it during raids. However, in secret missions, the stab vest is designed more intricately so that it works as both stab and bulletproof.

10 Best Surveillance Systems of 2019

Choosing the right surveillance systems seems easy on first glance. That’s when it comes to picking a system within your price range, and that’s fit for your property. But what works for other businesses may not work for your business – APT212.

You’ll weigh whether you need weatherproof casings, infrared cameras or motion-sensitive recording.

1# Arlo Pro 2: The Best Wireless Security Camera

Arlo provides the best solution if you’re seeking multiple cameras. The Arlo Pro 2 enhances the current video resolution to 1080p. The system maintains free cloud storage of seven days. 

2# Nest Cam IQ Indoor: Best Indoor Security Camera

Similar to thermostats, Nest has changed the game with surveillance systems. Nest Cam IQ guarantees a big leap in smart camera image quality. The camera utilizes a 4K image sensor to record dual 1080p simultaneously – APT212.

3# Amazon Cloud Cam: Best Alexa Integration

The Alexa has built a security camera that perfectly syncs with your desired voice assistant. The Amazon Cloud Cam is your best fit if you have an Amazon Fire table or Echo device. It streams HD videos at 1080p.

4# Logitech Circle 2: Best Outdoor / Indoor Security Camera

Circle 2 is one of the great indoor / outdoor and among the versatile security cameras. You can mount it directly to a wall outlet. The camera is fitted with all kinds of weather. It also offers a custom weatherproof extension cable for outdoor mounting – APT212. 

5# Ring Spotlight Cam: Best Outdoor Security Camera

The Ring Spotlight Cam specializes in crime prevention. Its built-in motion detectors immediately begin video recording after sensing movement. The camera simultaneously shines lights to scare the would-be criminals or intruders. It can trigger the 110-decibel siren to caution suspicious activities or intruders.

6# Wyzecam 2: The Best Cheap Security Camera

Founded by ex-Amazon employees, Wyzecam 2 brings a low-margin approach to smart home security. The camera provides motion detection, night vision, and two-way audio – APT212. Besides motion and sound-triggered video clips, you enjoy free 14 days of cloud storage.

7# Swann 1080p Smart Security Camera

Swann manages a supremely flexible recording and a sharp picture at affordable prices. There’s no hub involved, and each camera links directly to the router via WiFi. The camera streams details to the phone / outside world. Swann 1080p will save to get an Ethernet port and a power socket. 

8# D-Link Mydlink Pro

It’s a well-designed hub combo consisting of a camera that includes an affordable, long-lasting battery. Video has excellent sharpness when zoomed. D-Link has an attractive edge, managing from four cameras simultaneously. The hup is easy to set up, portrays Arlo’s microSD backup options and has a hard drive recording USB port. 

9# Neos Smartcam

The surveillance camera provides 90% of what you need. That’s including a powerful camera and affordability – APT212. Neos Smartcam captures 1080p HD footage thanks to its night vision and quality matching its competitors. The camera has sharper footage, and there are noise and motion detection.

10# Logi Circle 2 Wired

It’s a great home camera for indoor usage. The camera preps “day brief” videos showing a sped-up version of the day. You don’t have to examine reams footages in the slightest motion. It’s a suitable camera when keeping an eye at work instead of scanning for burglars. 

End Result

Surveillance systems have developed significantly in recent years. Most models are plug-and-play, and you can install them easily. You enjoy the available broad range of options.

If your business is riskier, you can incorporate other systems such as alarms – APT212.