Peter Grenier Discusses The Defining Qualities Of A Car Enthusiast

Almost everyone loves cars. But if you are a car enthusiast like Peter Grenier, you know that what separates you from the average car-lover is passion and dedication. In an industry that is constantly growing, there are people that get excited over customizable rides, the sound of gas-powered engines, and new car tech. Is this you? Grenier takes you through the defining qualities of a car enthusiast.

Attending Car Shows And Events

If you are constantly looking up car shows and events around you and attending them, you are a car enthusiast. ‘To make the most out of your car show experience,’ says Grenier, ‘you have to connect with car enthusiasts and show your knowledge and skills.’ There is always something to learn from like-minded people. Another advantage of attending car shows is that you get to see some innovative models on the market. And if you are lucky, you get to see future releases before the general public.

Notices The Different Car Models Around You

Anytime you are outside, you take this as an opportunity to window shop the different models around you. Whether you are in the parking lot or stuck in traffic, you notice all the cars around you. For some, this is what makes commuting to work feel less tasking. Peter Grenier admits to doing this every time he drives to work and simply admires the different car models in New Hampshire. And the more time you are on the road, the higher the chances you will appreciate the models on the road even more.

You Can List The Different Rides On The Road

Another defining quality of a car enthusiast is being able to list different car models. Can you name at least 5 to 10 car models that you saw in the parking lot? Or better yet, maybe you recognize your colleagues or neighbors based on the cars they drive. And these are not just the conspicuous cars. After all, anyone can identify a Ferrari. However, like a real car enthusiast, you will be able to tell that Chevy Nova that passes you every day en route to work.

Constantly Shares Car Photos And Videos

If you scroll through people’s social media accounts, you will be able to tell what some of their interests are. According to Peter Grenier, you can tell people that are car enthusiasts by looking at the photos and videos they share. And this is not just about their cars but other peoples’ cars as well. You will find different models on their page – cars they saw in their neighborhood, parking lot, at the mall, etc. In fact, some users go as far as creating Instagram pages solely dedicated to cars.

Turning Your Head Every Time You Hear An Exhaust Sound

As a car enthusiast, the passion for cars goes beyond the exterior. You get excited when you hear the sound of the engine. Peter Grenier admits that he has been distracted by the sound of a car’s exhaust on many occasions. That need to want to see that car that is producing that sound is what makes you a car enthusiast.

Being a car enthusiast himself, Grenier attends car events around him just to see what is new in the auto industry. And if you have some or all of these traits, then you are definitely a car enthusiast like him.