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Products of each manufacturer have own characteristics. The main parameters by which distinguish the types of candles: the number of electrodes – single or multi-electrode; the material from which the central electrode is made is yttrium, tungsten, platinum, iridium, palladium; heat number – “cold” or “hot candles. There are also differences in shape, in the size of the gap between the side and central electrode, in small design features.
Standard candle. This is the most common and most affordable type. The electrode was made of heat-resistant metal. It is not too expensive.
Multi-electrode candles. In these candles, there are several side electrodes – from two to four, so that the service life increases significantly. Engineers came to the idea of using several side electrodes because one electrode heats up very much during operation, which significantly reduces its service life. If several electrodes are involved, then they work as if by turns, respectively, there is no overheating.
Iridium and platinum candles. They first appeared in 1997, they were released by the company DENSO. Distinctive properties: the central electrode of iridium or platinum has a thickness of only 0.4-0.7 millimeters; the side electrode is pointed and shaped in a special way. Their main advantage is a long service life, which can reach 200 thousand kilometers or 5-6 years of car operation.
However, in order for them to fully work out their life, it is necessary to adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions: use fuel with an octane rating not lower than that indicated in the manual; make the installation strictly according to the rules – tighten the candle to a certain point, if you make a mistake, the whole result will be completely leveled. To make it easier to twist these candles in the cylinder head, manufacturers put special limiters, which do not allow them to tighten more than necessary.
The only negative point is the high cost. It is also worth noting that iridium has a greater work resource than platinum, therefore, its price is higher. As a rule, Japanese automakers recommend using this type of candle for their cars. This primarily refers to the Toyota Camry and the Suzuki Grand Vitara. Candles with a central electrode made of other materials also last much longer than standard ones, but they are not so widely available.